Keep records of all your flights in one place. Track visited countries, airports, flight distance and time in the air.
Store photos to preserve your travel memories.
Calculate total time that you spent in the air for all your journeys, and calculate traveled flight distances.
Keep a track record of the visited countries in one place.
Get a visual map of all your flights
Whether you're a frequent flyer, cabin crew or an occasional traveler, MyFlightLife is a tool for tracking and managing your flights history.
- Log Flights
Create and access comprehensive history of all past flights.
- Flight Time and Distance
Calculate total time that you spent in the air for all your journeys, and calculate traveled flight distances.
- Flight Memories
Upload and store photos to preserve your travel memories.
- Visited Countries
Keep a track record of the visited countries in one place.
- Travel Statistic
Explore yearly statistics to gain insights into your travel habits.
- Travel Map
Visualise your flight routes and visited places with interactive map.
Keep your flight memories with MyFlight.Life!
Join us today to build your flight story! - your flight life story.
Tags: MyFlightLife | My Flight Life | My Flight Life App | MyFlightLifeApp | Flight Memory App | Flight History Tracker | Travel Stats | Flight Story Builder
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Flight Distance Calculator© 2025 All rights reserved. | 77 Lower Camden Street, D02 XE80, Dublin, Ireland
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